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门类名称及代码 行业大类代码 行业大类名称 上市公司股票代码 上市公司简称
农、林、牧、渔业(A) 01 农业 000998 隆平高科
002041 登海种业
300087 荃银高科
300143 菇木真
300189 神农大丰
600108 亚盛集团
600354 敦煌种业
600359 *ST新农
600371 万向德农
600506 香梨股份
600540 新赛股份
600598 北大荒
601118 海南橡胶
02 林业 000592 中福实业
000663 永安林业
002200 *ST大地
002679 福建金森
600265 ST景谷
03 畜牧业 000735 罗牛山
002234 民和股份
002299 圣农发展
002321 华英农业
002458 益生股份
002477 雏鹰农牧
002505 大康牧业
300106 西部牧业
300313 天山生物
600965 福成五丰
600975 新五丰
04 渔业 000798 中水渔业
002069 獐子岛
002086 东方海洋
002447 壹桥苗业
002696 百洋股份
200992 中鲁B
300094 国联水产
600097 开创国际
600257 大湖股份
600467 好当家
05 农、林、牧、渔服务业 000713 丰乐种业
采矿业(B) 06 煤炭开采和洗选业 000552 靖远煤电
000571 新大洲
000780 平庄能源
000937 冀中能源
000939 凯迪电力
000983 西山煤电
002128 露天煤业
600121 郑州煤电
600123 兰花科创
600157 永泰能源
600188 兖州煤业
600348 阳泉煤业
600381 贤成矿业
600395 盘江股份
600397 安源煤业
600403 大有能源
600508 上海能源
600652 爱使股份
600714 金瑞矿业
600971 恒源煤电
601001 大同煤业
601088 中国神华
601101 昊华能源
601666 平煤股份
601699 潞安环能
601898 中煤能源
601918 国投新集
07 石油和天然气开采业 300157 恒泰艾普
300164 通源石油
300191 潜能恒信
600028 中国石化
600583 海油工程
601808 中海油服
601857 中国石油
08 黑色金属矿采选业 000629 攀钢钒钛
000655 金岭矿业
000762 西藏矿业
600711 盛屯矿业
600882 华联矿业
09 有色金属矿采选业 000426 兴业矿业
000603 盛达矿业
000697 炼石有色
000758 中色股份
002155 辰州矿业
600139 西部资源
采矿业(B) 09 有色金属矿采选业 600259 广晟有色
600311 荣华实业
600489 中金黄金
600497 驰宏锌锗
600547 山东黄金
601168 西部矿业
601899 紫金矿业
601958 金钼股份
603993 洛阳钼业
11 开采辅助活动 002207 准油股份
002554 惠博普
002629 仁智油服
002683 宏大爆破
300084 海默科技
制造业(C) 13 农副食品加工业 000048 康达尔
000529 广弘控股
000639 西王食品
000702 正虹科技
000860 顺鑫农业
000876 新希望
000893 东凌粮油
000895 双汇发展
000911 南宁糖业
000972 *ST中基
002100 天康生物
002124 天邦股份
002143 高金食品
002157 正邦科技
002220 天宝股份
002286 保龄宝
002311 海大集团
002330 得利斯
002385 大北农
002515 金字火腿
002548 金新农
002557 洽洽食品
002567 唐人神
002582 好想你
002604 龙力生物
002695 煌上煌
002702 腾新食品
300138 晨光生物
300175 朗源股份
300268 万福生科
600095 哈高科
制造业(C) 13 农副食品加工业 600127 金健米业
600191 华资实业
600251 冠农股份
600438 通威股份
600695 大江股份
600737 中粮屯河
14 食品制造业 000716 南方食品
002216 三全食品
002329 皇氏乳业
002481 双塔食品
002495 佳隆股份
002507 涪陵榨菜
002570 贝因美
002626 金达威
002650 加加食品
002661 克明面业
300146 汤臣倍健
300149 量子高科
600073 上海梅林
600186 莲花味精
600298 安琪酵母
600305 恒顺醋业
600429 三元股份
600597 光明乳业
600866 星湖科技
600872 中炬高新
600873 梅花集团
600887 伊利股份
15 酒、饮料和精制茶制造业 000019 深深宝
000557 *ST广夏
000568 泸州老窖
000596 古井贡酒
000729 燕京啤酒
000752 西藏发展
000799 酒鬼酒
000848 承德露露
000858 五粮液
000869 张裕酒业
000929 兰州黄河
000995 ST皇台
002304 洋河股份
002387 黑牛食品
002461 珠江啤酒
002646 青青稞酒
600059 古越龙山
制造业(C) 15 酒、饮料和精制茶制造业 600084 中葡股份
600090 啤酒花
600132 重庆啤酒
600197 伊力特
600199 金种子酒
600238 海南椰岛
600300 维维股份
600365 通葡股份
600519 贵州茅台
600543 莫高股份
600559 老白干酒
600573 惠泉啤酒
600600 青岛啤酒
600616 金枫酒业
600702 沱牌舍得
600779 水井坊
600809 山西汾酒
600962 国投中鲁
17 纺织业 000018 ST中冠
000158 常山股份
000611 四海股份
000726 鲁泰纺织
000779 三毛派神
000803 金宇车城
000810 华润锦华
000813 天山纺织
000850 华茂股份
000955 ST欣龙
000971 ST迈亚
000982 中银绒业
002015 霞客环保
002034 美欣达
002042 华孚色纺
002070 众和股份
002072 ST德棉
002083 孚日股份
002087 新野纺织
002144 宏达高科
002193 山东如意
002293 罗莱家纺
002327 富安娜
002394 联发股份
002397 梦洁家纺
002516 江苏旷达
200160 ST南江B
制造业(C) 17 纺织业 600061 中纺投资
600070 浙江富润
600152 维科精华
600156 华升股份
600220 江苏阳光
600232 金鹰股份
600273 华芳纺织
600370 三房巷
600448 华纺股份
600483 福建南纺
600493 凤竹纺织
600630 龙头股份
600689 上海三毛
600851 海欣股份
600987 航民股份
601339 百隆东方
601599 鹿港科技
18 纺织服装、服饰业 000681 *ST远东
002003 伟星股份
002029 七匹狼
002036 宜科科技
002044 江苏三友
002154 报喜鸟
002239 金飞达
002269 美邦服饰
002291 星期六
002404 嘉欣丝绸
002425 凯撒股份
002485 希努尔
002486 嘉麟杰
002503 搜于特
002563 森马服饰
002569 步森股份
002612 朗姿股份
002634 棒杰股份
002656 卡奴迪路
002687 乔治白
200168 ST雷伊B
300005 探路者
600107 美尔雅
600137 浪莎股份
600177 雅戈尔
600233 大杨创世
600398 凯诺科技
600400 红豆股份
制造业(C) 18 纺织服装、服饰业 601566 九牧王
601718 际华集团
19 皮革、毛皮、羽毛及其制品和制鞋业 002494 华斯股份
002517 泰亚股份
002674 兴业科技
600439 瑞贝卡
600735 新华锦
603001 奥康国际
20 木材加工及木、竹、藤、棕、草制品业 000910 大亚科技
002043 兔宝宝
002240 威华股份
002259 升达林业
002354 科冕木业
002631 德尔家居
600189 吉林森工
600321 国栋建设
601996 丰林集团
21 家具制造业 002174 梅花伞
002489 浙江永强
002572 索菲亚
600337 美克股份
600978 宜华木业
603008 喜临门
22 造纸及纸制品业 000488 晨鸣纸业
000576 *ST甘化
000815 *ST美利
000820 *ST金城
000833 贵糖股份
002012 凯恩股份
002067 景兴纸业
002078 太阳纸业
002228 合兴包装
002235 安妮股份
002303 美盈森
002511 中顺洁柔
002521 齐峰股份
002565 上海绿新
200986 粤华包B
600069 银鸽投资
600103 青山纸业
600163 福建南纸
600235 民丰特纸
600308 华泰股份
600356 恒丰纸业
600419 新疆天宏
制造业(C) 22 造纸及纸制品业 600433 冠豪高新
600462 *ST石岘
600567 山鹰纸业
600793 ST宜纸
600963 岳阳林纸
600966 博汇纸业
23 印刷和记录媒介复制业 000812 陕西金叶
002117 东港股份
002191 劲嘉股份
002229 鸿博股份
002599 盛通股份
600836 界龙实业
601515 东风股份
24 文教、工美、体育和娱乐用品制造业 002103 广博股份
002292 奥飞动漫
002301 齐心文具
002348 高乐股份
002502 骅威股份
002575 群兴玩具
002605 姚记扑克
002678 珠江钢琴
300043 星辉车模
300329 海伦钢琴
25 石油加工、炼焦及核燃料加工业 000059 辽通化工
000637 茂化实华
000698 沈阳化工
000723 美锦能源
000819 岳阳兴长
000835 四川圣达
000968 煤气化
002377 国创高新
600179 黑化股份
600281 太化股份
600333 长春燃气
600688 S上石化
600721 百花村
600725 云维股份
600740 山西焦化
600792 云煤能源
600997 开滦股份
601011 宝泰隆
26 化学原料及化学制品制造业 000155 *ST川化
000407 胜利股份
000422 湖北宜化
000510 金路集团
制造业(C) 26 化学原料及化学制品制造业 000523 广州浪奇
000525 红太阳
000553 沙隆达
000565 渝三峡
000627 天茂集团
000635 英力特
000662 *ST索芙
000683 远兴能源
000707 双环科技
000731 四川美丰
000737 南风化工
000755 山西三维
000791 甘肃电投
000792 盐湖股份
000818 方大化工
000822 山东海化
000830 鲁西化工
000912 泸天化
000930 中粮生化
000950 建峰化工
000953 ST河化
000985 大庆华科
000990 诚志股份
002010 传化股份
002018 华星化工
002037 久联发展
002053 云南盐化
002054 德美化工
002057 中钢天源
002061 江山化工
002068 黑猫股份
002092 中泰化学
002094 青岛金王
002096 南岭民爆
002109 兴化股份
002113 ST天润
002125 湘潭电化
002136 安纳达
002145 *ST钛白
002165 红宝丽
002167 东方锆业
002170 芭田股份
002192 路翔股份
002211 宏达新材
002215 诺普信
制造业(C) 26 化学原料及化学制品制造业 002217 联合化工
002226 江南化工
002246 北化股份
002250 联化科技
002256 彩虹精化
002258 利尔化学
002274 华昌化工
002319 乐通股份
002326 永太科技
002341 新纶科技
002360 同德化工
002361 神剑股份
002386 天原集团
002391 长青股份
002407 多氟多
002408 齐翔腾达
002409 雅克科技
002411 九九久
002440 闰土股份
002442 龙星化工
002453 天马精化
002455 百川股份
002466 天齐锂业
002470 金正大
002476 宝莫股份
002496 辉丰股份
002497 雅化集团
002513 蓝丰生化
002538 司尔特
002539 新都化工
002562 兄弟科技
002568 百润股份
002581 万昌科技
002584 西陇化工
002588 史丹利
002591 恒大高新
002597 金禾实业
002601 佰利联
002632 道明光学
002637 赞宇科技
002643 烟台万润
002648 卫星石化
002666 德联集团
002669 康达新材
300019 硅宝科技
制造业(C) 26
化学原料及化学制品制造业 300037 新宙邦
300041 回天胶业
300054 鼎龙股份
300063 天龙集团
300067 安诺其
300072 三聚环保
300082 奥克股份
300107 建新股份
300108 双龙股份
300109 新开源
300121 阳谷华泰
300132 青松股份
300135 宝利沥青
300174 元力股份
300192 科斯伍德
300200 高盟新材
300214 日科化学
300225 金力泰
300236 上海新阳
300243 瑞丰高材
300261 雅本化学
300285 国瓷材料
300343 联创节能
600075 新疆天业
600078 澄星股份
600091 ST明科
600096 云天化
600135 乐凯胶片
600141 兴发集团
600146 大元股份
600155 *ST宝硕
600160 巨化股份

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Important Notice: (注意事项)

英文本源自中华人民共和国务院法制局编译, 中国法制出版社出版的《中华人民
当发生歧意时, 应以法律法规颁布单位发布的中文原文为准.
This English document is coming from the "LAWS AND REGULATIONS OF THE
which is compiled by the Brueau of Legislative Affairs of the State
Council of the People's Republic of China, and is published by the China
Legal System Publishing House.
In case of discrepancy, the original version in Chinese shall prevail.

Whole Document (法规全文)

(April 10, 1990)
The report, "Suggestions Concerning Further Checking-up and Rectification
of Tourist Agencies", submitted by the National Tourism Administration,
has been approved by the State Council; and now the report is hereby
transmitted to you for implementation.

In order to promote the sound development of tourist industry in our
country, and in accordance with the decision of the Central Committee of
the Communist Party of China and the State Council concerning the
checking-up and rectification of companies, our suggestions are hereby
advanced on the further checking-up and rectification of tourist agencies
(including tourist companies and other similar organizations; the same
1. Various localities and departments shall carry out conscientiously the
checking-up and rectification on the tourist agencies that are under their
jurisdiction. The emphasis of the checking-up and rectification shall be
placed on the tourist agencies of Categories 1 and 2 that handle
international tourist business operations, and also on those tourist
agencies that are engaged, without permission, in soliciting tourists from
abroad. Those tourist agencies that do not possess the prerequisites as
prescribed for tourist business operations shall be abolished or merged,
and the problems concerning multilateral connections with overseas
business parties, the reduction of tourist prices for competition, and
poor-quality tourist services shall be earnestly dealt with.

2. A tourist agency that comes under one of the following circumstances
shall be abolished or merged with other tourist agencies.
(1) Tourist agencies which are in operation, but do not possess the
prerequisites of a certain category as prescribed in "Interim Regulations
on the Administration of Tourist Agencies" and "Rules for the
Implementation of the Interim Regulations on the Administration of Tourist
Agencies" in terms of the actual registered capital, employed personnel;
site for business operations, and organizational setups.
(2) Tourist agencies of Category 1 which, from the date "Rules for the
Implementation of the Interim Regulations on the Administration of Tourist
Agencies" are promulgated for implementation to the end of March, 1990,
have not reached the prescribed annual accumulative total of tourists
received and the amount of foreign exchange earned.
(3) Tourist agencies which have been engaged in such serious illegal
business activities as reducing tourist prices for competition, evading
foreign exchange regulations and practising arbitrage, procuring foreign
exchange by illegal means, and reselling foreign exchange for a profit.
(4) Tourist agencies with inefficient business operations, poor
management, unsound internal rules and regulations, and insufficient
earnings for repaying debts.
(5) Tourist agencies whose services are so poor that they have incurred
frequent complaints from tourists; whose tourist guides and other employed
personnel have been presumptuous in seeking and accepting tips and
commission, or whose ill conduct has frequently brought damage to the
reputation of our country and has thus created very bad influence.
(6) Tourist agencies which are unable to recover the travelling expenses
owed for a long period of time by foreign tourist agents, and have, since
1988, new debts added to old ones, thus suffering heavy economic losses.
(7) The branch offices of a tourist agency, the head office of which has
been abolished or merged.
(8) Tourist agencies set up and run by hotels (or guest houses).
(9) Tourist agencies (including their business offices) that have been
established in foreign countries or in the regions of Hong Kong and Macao
by various localities or departments without the approval of the National
Tourism Administration. With respect to those tourist agencies which are
to be abolished according to the pertinent decisions, the competent
authorities over them shall, in accordance with the pertinent provisions,
set up a liquidation organization to check up and settle the creditors'
financial claims and to liquidate liabilities, and to attend to the
winding-up business.

3. The task of the checking-up and rectification of the existing tourist
agencies shall be completed by the end of the third quarter of this year.
Various localities and departments shall have to submit their plans for
the abolition, merging, or retention of tourist agencies to the National
Tourism Administration for examination and approval, and also to the
National Leading Group of Checking-up and Rectifying Companies for the
record. Those tourist agencies that have been retained shall, by
presenting the document of approval issued by the National Tourism
Administration, apply anew for their re-establishment, and go through the
registration procedures in accordance with the law. In order to prevent
the setting up of an excessive number of tourist agencies of Categories 1
and 2, within 2 years beginning from 1990, no applications for the
establishment of new tourist agencies of Categories 1 and 2 shall be
examined and approved. With respect to those tourist agencies the
applications for the establishment of which have already been approved by
the National Tourism Administration or by the tourism bureaus of the
provinces, autonomous regions, or municipalities directly under the
Central Government but which have not yet gone through the registration
procedures with the administrative departments for industry and commerce,
the original document of approval shall be declared invalid.
4. In the course of the checking-up and rectification of tourist agencies,
it shall be imperative to implement the policy of deepening the reforms,
and further streamline the administration of tourist agencies. Tourist
agencies shall separate themselves in such respects as working personnel,
financial matters, and assets and materials from Party and government
organs, institutions, and public organizations, and establish themselves
as economic entities, which shall have independent business accounting,
assume sole responsibility for their profits and losses, and conduct their
business operations according to law. The business operations of tourist
agencies shall be placed under the administration of the administrative
department for tourism.

5. The checking-up and rectification of tourist agencies shall be carried
out in close link with the establishment and improvement of the relevant
rules and regulations and administrative systems, so as to further
strengthen the administration of tourist agencies.
(1) In order to protect the State interests and to check the competition
between various tourist agencies by reduction of tourist prices, all
tourist agencies must strictly implement the unified stipulation on price
standard, rules for the calculation of prices, and the measures for
preferential treatment, as formulated by the National Tourism
Administration and the State Administration for Commodity Prices.
(2) In 1990, the State auditing organs shall carry out trade auditing on
the financial revenue and expenditure situation and the business
activities of tourist agencies of Categories 1 and 2. The National Tourism
Administration and the tourism bureaus of various provinces, autonomous
regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government shall,
working in coordination with the commodity prices authorities at the same
level, carry out regular inspections of the situation concerning the
business operations and the prices for overseas sales relating to tourist
agencies of Categories 1 and 2.
(3) In accordance with the provisions of Interim Measures for the Control
of Foreign Exchange from Tourism, promulgated by the State Administration
for Control of Foreign Exchange and the National Tourism Administration,
the foreign exchange earnings, collected by those units and enterprises
which, without the approval of the competent authorities for tourism,
presumptuously conduct international tourist business operations, shall
all be converted, and no retention of foreign exchange shall be allowed.
(4) The competent authorities for tourism that are vested with the right
to issue notice of visa must, strictly in accordance with the pertinent
provisions of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the National Tourism
Administration, check and issue notices of visa; they shall not be
permitted to issue notices of visa on behalf of other units or of those
tourist agencies which do not have the right to solicit tourists from
abroad. Those who have violated the aforesaid provisions shall have their
right to issue visa notice revoked.

