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第一条 为发展我省普通、成人高等专科学校,规范普通、成人高等专科学校设置审批的管理,根据国务院颁发的《普通高等学校设置暂行条例》(以下简称《条例》)和国家教育委员会制定的《成人高等学校设置暂行规定》(以下简称《规定》),以及国家教育委员会把设置、撤销
第二条 在我省范围内设置公办普通、成人高等专科学校适用本办法。
第三条 我省普通、成人高等专科学校的筹办、正式建校,以及撤销、调整均应向省人民政府提出申请,由省人民政府审批,并报国家教育委员会备案。
第四条 设置普通、成人高等专科学校应保证办学质量和办学效益,充分发挥学校的多种办学功能,一般不宜设立单科性的学校。
第五条 普通、成人高等专科学校的设置标准、学校名称的确定,应按《条例》、《规定》执行。特殊情况,由省人民政府请示国家教育委员会批准后确定。
第六条 设置普通、成人高等专科学校一般分为申请筹办和申请正式建校两个阶段。达到设置标准的,可以直接申请正式建校;未达到设置标准的,应先申请筹办。
第七条 普通、成人高等专科学校的筹办条件:
第八条 申请筹办普通、成人高等专科学校,由创办单位向省人民政府提交申请报告,并按要求报送有关材料。
第九条 申请筹办普通、成人高等专科学校,必须报送下列材料:
第十条 申请正式建校的普通、成人高等专科学校必须报送以下材料:
第十一条 省人民政府接到申请报告后,可委托省高等教育行政部门对申报材料进行形式审查。对报送材料不完备者,省高等教育行政部门应在接到申请报告后20日内通知其补报。
第十二条 省高等学校设置评议机构于每年的6月、12月下旬召开全体会议,对申报学校进行评议论证,并采取无记名投票方式进行表决,作出结论性意见。
第十三条 省高等教育行政部门根据省高等学校设置评议机构的结论性意见,向省人民政府提出报告。
第十四条 省人民政府根据省高等教育行政部门的报告,在征询省有关部门意见后,作出是否同意筹办或正式建校的决定。
第十五条 普通、成人高等专科学校的筹办期限从批准之日起计算,普通高等专科学校的筹办期限1年以上5年以下,成人高等专科学校的筹办期限1年以上3年以下。
第十六条 本办法自1995年9月1日起施行。

WTO Dispute Settlement Mechanism

------An Analysis of the DSU in Positivism

Chengwei, Liu

This book is a systematically selected compilation of Reports issued by various panels and the standing Appellate Body, then adopted by the DSB under the WTO jurisdiction by the end of May 2002, in category of subjects such as causes of action, initiation of panel proceedings, function of panels, rules of evidence and special rules governing anti-dumping disputes, etc., which are in most cases ruled as “preliminary issues” or “procedural objections”. However, this book is not intended to be exhaustive. It deals only with issues in dispute settlement proceedings under the WTO jurisprudence that the author considers the more important, where such rules are mainly concerned as Art. XXIII of the GATT 1994; Arts. 3, 4, 6, 7, 10, 11, 13, 21.5, 23, 26 of the DSU; Arts. 17.4, 17.5, 17.6 of the AD Agreement and Arts. 31, 32 of the Vienna Convention and so on.
Moreover, this book is intended to be descriptive and positive rather than prescriptive and theoretical. Most of the author’s analysis benefits much from the precise and logically organized reports by panels and the Appellate Body, administered by the DSB under the WTO jurisdiction. It must be made clear that these reports do not constitute binding “subsequent practice” referred to in Article 31 of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties, nor do they operate as stare decisis, panels and the Appellate Body are therefore not bound by past reports. Nevertheless, it does be the case demonstrated by the DSB practice that, relevant reasoning in a particular case has been cited or followed frequently by another panel or confirmed by the Appellate Body in subsequent cases.
As ruled by the Appellate Body in Japan-Taxes on Alcoholic Beverages (DS44), “[a]dopted panel reports are an important part of the GATT acquis. They are often considered by subsequent panels. They create legitimate expectations among WTO Members, and, therefore, should be taken into account where they are relevant to any dispute”. Furthermore, a panel could nevertheless find useful guidance in the reasoning of an unadopted panel report when it considers relevant. More importantly, as stated in the letter with which the Appellate Body conveyed in the February of 1996 its Working Procedures for Appellate Review to the DSB for information, “… it is also important to ensure consistency and coherence in our decision-making, which is to the advantage of every WTO Member and the overall multilateral trading system we all share”.
There is no doubt that, in line with the pragmatic evolution of the GATT dispute settlement system, the progressive clarification of a number of issues that are not precisely regulated in the DSU and the further development of the WTO dispute settlement procedures, will gradually evolve after having been tested and progressively clarified and improved in concrete dispute settlement cases.
Considering all of this, the author complete this book with serious-minded exploring examination and great diligence, bearing in mind that it is therefore practical and of great significance for WTO Members to be informed of the valuable rulings in those reports issued by panels and the Appellate Body in particular cases.

List of Abbreviations

ATC Agreement on Textile and Clothing
BISD Basic Instruments and Selected Documents (published by GATT)
DSU Understanding on Rules and Procedures Governing
the Settlement of Disputes
DSB Dispute Settlement Body
EC The European Communities
GATS General Agreement on Trade in Services
GATT General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
IMF International Monetary Fund
PGE Permanent Group of Experts (in the SCM Agreement)
SCM Subsidies and Countervailing Measures
SG Agreement on Safeguards
SPS Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures
TBT Technical Barriers to Trade
TMB Textiles Monitoring Body
TRIMS Trade-related Investment Measures
TRIPS Trade-related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights
TSB Textiles Surveillance Body
WIPO World Intellectual Property Organization
WTO World Trade Organization
Table of Contents

Chapter I Trend towards “Judicialization”:
A Rule-oriented Dispute Settlement System
Chapter II Causes of Action before the DSB:
Art. XXIII of the GATT 1994
Section One Right to Pursue a Proceeding under the WTO
I The Concept of Nullification or Impairment
II The Standing Issue before the DSB
